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API reference



await cache.connect()

Connects cache to server.


await cache.disconnect()

Disconnects cache from server.


await cache.get(key: str, default: Any = None, *, version: Optional[Version] = None) -> Any

Gets value for key from the cache.

Required arguments


String with cache key to read.

Optional arguments


Default value that should be returned if key doesn't exist in the cache, or has expired.

Defaults to None.


Version of key that should be returned. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.


await cache.set(key: str, value: Serializable, *, ttl: Optional[int] = None, version: Optional[Version] = None)

Sets new value for key in the cache. If key doesn't exist it will be created.

Required arguments


String with cache key to set.


JSON-serializable value to store in the cache.

Optional arguments


Integer with number of seconds after which set key will expire and will be removed by the cache.

Defaults to None (cache forever), unless default ttl is set for cache.


Version of key that should be set. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.


await cache.add(key: str, value: Serializable, *, ttl: Optional[int] = None, version: Optional[Version] = None) -> bool

Sets key in the cache if it doesn't already exist, or has expired.

Required arguments


String with cache key to set.


JSON-serializable value to store in the cache.

Optional arguments


Integer with number of seconds after which set key will expire and will be removed by the cache.

Defaults to None (cache forever), unless default ttl is set for cache.


Version of key that should be set. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.

Return value

Returns True if key was added to cache and False if it already exists.


await cache.get_or_set(key: str, default: Serializable, *, ttl: Optional[int] = None, version: Optional[Version] = None) -> Any

Gets value for key from the cache. If key doesn't exist or has expired, new key is set with default value.

Required arguments


String with cache key to read or set.


Default value that should be returned if key doesn't exist in the cache, or has expired. It has to be JSON-serializable and will be set in cache if read didn't return the value.

If default is callable, it will be called and it's return value will be set in cache.

Optional arguments


Integer with number of seconds after which set key will expire and will be removed by the cache.

Defaults to None (cache forever), unless default ttl is set for cache.


Version of key that should be get (or set). String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.

Return value

Returns key value from cache if it exists, or default otherwise.


await cache.get_many(keys: Iterable[str], version: Optional[Version] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]

Gets values for many keys from the cache in single read operation.

Required arguments


List or tuple of string with cache keys to read.

Optional arguments


Version of keys that should be get from the cache. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.

Return value

Returns dict of cache-returned values. If any of keys didn't exist in the cache or was expired, it's value will be as None.


await cache.set_many(mapping: Mapping[str, Serializable], *, ttl: Optional[int] = None)

Sets values for many keys in the cache in single write operation.

Note: if ttl argument is provided, second command will be ran to set keys expiration time on the cache server.


await cache.delete(key: str, version: Optional[Version] = None)

Deletes the key from the cache. Does nothing if the key doesn't exist.

Required arguments


Key to delete from cache.

Optional arguments


Version of key that should be deleted from the cache. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.


await cache.delete_many(keys: Iterable[str], version: Optional[Version] = None)

Deletes many keys from the cache. Skips keys that don't exist.

Required arguments


Keys to delete from cache.

Optional arguments


Version of keys that should be deleted from the cache. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.


await cache.clear()

Deletes all keys from the cache.

Note: cache.clear() will remove all keys from cache, not just ones set by your application.

Be careful when calling it, if your app shares Redis database with other clients.


await cache.touch(key: str, ttl: Optional[int] = None, *, version: Optional[Version] = None) -> bool

Updates expiration time for the key.

Required arguments


String with cache key which ttl value should be updated.

Optional arguments


Integer with number of seconds after which updated key will expire and will be removed by the cache, or None if key should never expire.

Defaults to None (cache forever), unless default ttl is set for cache.


Version of key that should be updated. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.

Return value

Returns True if key's expirat was updated, and False if key didn't exist in the cache.


await cache.incr(key: str, delta: Union[float, int] = 1, *, version: Optional[Version] = None) -> Union[float, int]

Increases the value stored for specified key by specified amount.

Required arguments


String with cache key which should be updated.

Optional arguments


Amount by which key value should be increased. Can be float or int.

Defaults to 1.


Version of key that should be updated. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.

Return value

Returns float or int with updated value. If key didn't exist, this value will equal to value passed in delta argument.


await cache.decr(key: str, delta: Union[float, int] = 1, *, version: Optional[Version] = None) -> Union[float, int]

Decreases the value stored for specified key by specified amount.

Required arguments


String with cache key which should be updated.

Optional arguments


Amount by which key value should be decreased. Can be float or int.

Defaults to 1.


Version of key that should be updated. String or integer.

Defaults to None, unless default version is set for the cache.

Return value

Returns float or int with updated value. If key didn't exist, this value will equal to value passed in delta argument.